The Fate of a Family - Paperback


This devastating, beautiful story continues in Book Three of The Tapestry Series as Brie’s charming life comes crashing to an end.

Brie is no longer the fearful girl she once was, but the last thing she expects is that she will have to endure an unthinkable tragedy on her own again. While Hazen would risk everything to save her, their vast geographical distance causes more devastation. Brie must decide if she can ever forgive Hazen for having to bear life without him. A gripping and intimate journey that finds Brie and Hazen ripped apart just when they need each other the most.

A shattering yet realistic novel fraught with hardship, anxiety, and death, this heart-stopping epic story is emotionally charged and impossible to put down. Intense and moving, Brie’s unforgettable journey to maturity teaches her more about family, love, and enduring than her fortune ever could. Both encouraging that love might just conquer all, and yet heartbreaking that life is unfair, this novel explores what it means to heal once the world has fallen apart. Don’t start this book at night because you will not sleep.

This magnificent novel engages and mesmerizes the soul, echoing more like life than fiction.